ERASMUS+ Menstrual training Project



MENSY is a two-year collaborative project, funded by ERASMUS+, aimed at empowering young people and youth leaders to educate young people about menstruation and sustainability. 

Period education, including the youth led education promoted by MENSY, will help to tackle menstrual equity, break the stigma surrounding menstruation, and promote sustainable menstrual practices. 

By combining environmental, gender, and economic justice, MENSY aims to foster a more equitable and sustainable approach to menstrual health across Europe.

aims of the project


We will engage and train 160 youth leaders and young people from eight European countries to spread awareness and educate young people in their communities.

Environmenstrual stall


We will create and pilot innovative training resources on menstruation and sustainability for young people.



We will use project findings to drive systemic change locally, nationally, and internationally.

making a difference

  • Combat Menstrual Equity: Millions lack access to affordable, safe, and reusable menstrual products.
  • Break the Taboo: Menstruation is still a stigmatised topic, leading to inequities in education, health, and social support.
  • Tackle Environmental Impacts: Address the waste and harm caused by single-use menstrual products by promoting sustainable alternatives.

find out more

Coordinated by VOICE (Ireland), the project brings together partners from Ireland, Croatia, Spain, UK, Hungary, Portugal, the Netherlands and Ukraine:

Voice Ireland