Limborough food hub chelsea garden

Limborough Community Food Hub is located on a housing estate in Poplar, East London and is owned by Poplar HARCA housing association. It includes an ornamental Chelsea Flower Show garden, designed by Chris Beardsley, a small fruit tree orchard and raised beds for communal growing. It also comprises a community training kitchen, a food pantry and a workshop space. This unique site provides a year round programme of cooking and growing workshops.

what we do

training kitchen limborough hub

training kitchen

Our training kitchen is well equipped and a great space for our cookery courses and workshops. External groups can also book and use the space. Contact:


Food growing at Limborough Hub

community garden

This beautiful space is shared with Poplar HARCA for local residents to use.  We host regular gardening workshops here in the greenhouse and garden.

workshop space

This warm, colourful, friendly and flexible space is used for multiple purposes, for both regular and one-off community events, workshops and gatherings. For more information about hiring this space contact:


food pantry

Two days a week the Burdett Football Club runs a community food pantry, offering low cost food to people on low incomes. Find out more about the pantry.


join the network

Join a community of local people getting together to build a new food system for Tower Hamlets and find out the latest news by signing up to our newsletter. 

    get involved


    Limborough Community Hub, 25a Limborough House, London E14 7AW