What Wen is doing


Green Baby aims to educate parents, parents to be, midwives and health professionals, on how to create a safer and more sustainable environment for pregnancy, babies and children. The programme will feature workshops, a campaign and coalition as well as ambassador training. 

Workshops will be in person and online and will look at harmful chemicals in personal care products, cleaning products, clothing, nappies, food, toys and furniture. They will also feature a Toxic Tour to highlight which baby products and furnishings to choose and which to avoid.

The programme will also train Green Baby Ambassadors to deliver Green Baby workshops in their communities across the UK.

green baby day

The first Green Baby Day was launched in June 2023. The day of action calls for a sustainable and toxic free future for babies and children, and their parents and carers.  

Green Baby Day aims to provide information to help families make healthy, eco-friendly and affordable choices to minimise exposure to harmful chemicals. But more importantly, it focuses the attention on our government’s responsibility to ensure effective chemicals regulation to protect current and future generations, especially post Brexit. Find out more.


real nappies for london

Real Nappies for London was founded by Wen in 2007. This project links local authourities, including  Hackney, Camden, Islington, Enfield, Haringey, Barnet and Waltham Forest, Bexley, Westminster and Lambeth as well as business and community change agents, to aid the prevention of disposable nappy waste. The scheme helps parents to try reusable nappies – parents with a baby under 18 months are eligible to apply for a voucher to help with the cost of buying their first set of reusable nappies.


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