Ready to take part in Environmenstrual Week? Take action now
Did you know? Many conventional period products and some reusables can contain toxic chemicals and metals that can disrupt your hormones, irritate your skin, and may even increase the risk of cancer. It’s shocking that these products are not regulated, and manufacturers are not required to list ingredients. Let’s break free from period products that can harm us.
Ready to end your relationship with toxic period products? Take action now
Join us and over 30 leading health experts, NGOs, academics, environmentalists, and period product producers in urgently calling for the creation of a Menstrual Health, Dignity, and Sustainability Act in the UK. This proposed legislation aims to tackle issues related to menstruation, such as period poverty, the health risks of toxic chemicals in period products, the environmental waste associated with conventional disposable period products, and poor menstrual education and the ongoing stigma surrounding menstrual health.
Ready to make it happen? Take action now!
We know it’s important to have the facts. That’s why we carefully compile the latest research about periods, with a focus on health, equity and the environment.
Buying toxic-free period products doesn’t need to empty your pocket! Sign-up for discounts codes for menstrual cups, washable pads, period pants and organic tampons