vegan Chocolate bean spread


This creamy and delicious chocolate spread recipe is packed with protein and fibre for a healthy twist on chocolate spread. See if you friends and family can guess the hero ingredient!



vegan Chocolate bean spread


  • 1 can Adzuki beans

  • 1 Banana

  • 4 tbsp Honey or Agave syrup

  • 70gm Chocolate 





how to make chocolate spread

  1. Roughly chop the chocolate
  2. Melt the chocolate in a “bain-marie” or directly in a microwave
  3. Drain the beans and blend them with honey
  4. Add the banana to the beans and blend it together
  5. Gently add the melted chocolate and mix.
  6. Your yummy spread is ready! Spread it on a piece of bread or serve as a mouse in small cups topping with fresh fruits, nuts, mint leaves, cream or yoghurt.



If you enjoyed this chocolate spread recipe then, check out more of our Live Well recipes . Also have a look at our friends at Made In Hackney for even more inspiration




Clyo heads up Wen’s Live Well cooking and food growing courses in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Classes explore in a practical way how diet and lifestyles has an impact on the planet. Attendees learn and try new plant based recipes, spend time in the community garden and enjoy a delicious lunch. 


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