We’ve mapped out the Food Services in Tower Hamlets.  Download HERE.  Get the latest details on: 


  • Food banks
  • Affordable food
  • Walk in hot meals
  • Free school meals


  • Community hubs
  • Mutual aid networks – Facebook groups
  • Whatsapp networks
  • Healthy Start Vouchers


  • Donate
  • Volunteer

We are regularly updating this, so do check back.  Latest update was March 2022




  1. Rouma says:

    Hi i contacted my kids primary school canon barnett regarding vouchers i have been isolating 5 week now as one of my son has asthma n youngest a baby can someone advise as im missing out on few weeks of vouchers

    • beth says:

      Hello, sorry to hear about this – we sent you an email to see if we can put you in touch with the right people 🙂

  2. Raz says:

    I come under the extremely vulnerable and recieved a letter from my gp. I dont really want to rely on donated food from food banks as I’m sure there are those out there that are worse off than myself financially and could do with the extra help. Is there anyway of getting priority deliveries from the super markets being one of the higher at risk. That way I’m not putting pressure on the charities that are available.

  3. Tom Pyke says:

    Hello all at WEN,
    Thank you for the information that you have published. Can I add to the list of foodbank is that Christ Church Isle of Dogs is acting as a food distribution hub for the foreseeable future distributing fresh food and some durable foods to local groups and to vulnerable individuals in the Isle of Dogs via local volunteers. Requests for help in Isle of Dogs should be routed via 02034884594

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