With the general election taking place today, we’re pausing to reflect on what action we want to see from the next government. 

Gender, racial and social equality need to be at the heart of the new government’s plan to create a fairer society for all, where women, communities and the planet thrive.

So, what changes do we want to see?


More women at the climate table 

The climate crisis needs urgent action to transform the economy and society. Although climate change impacts on everyone, it is women, people of colour, disabled people and other marginalised groups who experience the most acute effects. Yet, they are not equally involved in decision making and solutions to address the climate crisis. This must change. We want to see more racialised and marginalised women involved in leadership and policy-making, leading to more effective and inclusive solutions.

See what our Climate Sisters have been doing here.


A green and caring economy 

Together with the Women’s Budget Group, we have envisaged a Feminist Green New Deal and looked at the changes needed for a green and caring economy that rebalances economic activity away from energy intensive and wasteful production and towards labour-intensive work that cares for people and the planet. 

This is a vision of shared abundance where we meet everyone’s needs with well-designed public service and amenities, and with restored and flourishing biodiversity and green space. Key to this Feminist Green New Deal is improving care, transport, green spaces and housing, giving a better quality of life for all.

To achieve this bold vision, the government’s local and national policies must have a focus on gender and intersectional equality.

You can read our Feminist Green New Deal manifesto here.


A just food system 

Our food system is broken, with over 2.1m people relying on food banks while 9.5 million tonnes of food is wasted every year. Food jobs are among the lowest-paid and most precarious in our economy and are disproportionately occupied by women and migrants. What and how we eat is also harming the planet. 

We want to see healthy, affordable and culturally appropriate food available to all. This will be achieved through a just food system where communities can buy affordable, organic food locally or grow their own in allotments and community led growing spaces.

You can read our Food Policy Paper developed with the Women’s Budget Group as part of the Feminist Green New Deal project, which outlines key policy recommendations and our Just FACT, Recipes for a Revolution report – highlighting local food justice policy recommendations.


Action on toxic chemicals 

It’s unclear what plan the government has in regulating the most hazardous chemicals like ‘forever chemicals’ and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) post Brexit. Little if any progress has been made in following the EU lead on eliminating and phasing out the most hazardous chemicals from consumer products. But as the gap between chemical regulation in the EU and UK gets even bigger, the risk to our health and the environment gets worse. 

Most consumers think that when chemicals are in every-day products, they are safe. Many women dominated occupations like hairdressers work with personal care products containing EDCs as part of their job, leading to greater exposure to these chemicals. Given the links to everything from breast cancer to developmental and neurological disorders, there is a clear gendered impact, especially for the developing foetus.

We want to see access to safe, healthy, toxic-free and sustainable ways of living. To protect future generations, an immediate priority has to be action on toxic chemicals. The government needs to be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to regulation. 

You can read about our Green Baby campaign here.


In conclusion 

Overall, our vision is a world where women, communities and the planet flourish because our society is equitable, collaborative and caring. We hope the new government will prioritise bold policies and actions that create a fairer, greener and safer world.


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