The Tower Hamlets Food Growing Network is made up of community gardens and individuals who are passionate about growing food in our borough. Members of the network range from big growing projects growing produce to sell, to individuals growing tomatoes on balconies.
Taking action locally is central to what we do here at Wen. and we have been working hand in hand with this network of amazing growers of Tower Hamlets for over a decade, creating and supporting beautiful growing spaces around our borough. We believe that food growing is unique in its power to improve our environment, build community, and benefit people’s health and wellbeing and we see all these benefits blossoming in the work of the food growing network.
Seasonal Gatherings Every season we hold a friendly gathering of the network. Each time we look at a new topic around food growing and the environment, share a delicious hot lunch, and go on a tour of local community gardens. It’s a great chance to get to know other food growing enthusiasts in your area. Everyone is welcome to this free event, just sign up to our newsletter to receive the next invitation!
Building new gardens We support community groups, charities, community centers, and housing providers to build new growing spaces. We have built gardens of all sizes! If you would like to start a food growing project in your area get in touch!
Community Seed Library Our community seed library allows users to ‘borrow’ seeds at the beginning of the growing season and ‘return’ seed they have saved from their crop in the autumn. Find the seed library at our events or get in touch to find out what we have.
Trainings We run gardening trainings for groups, tailored to the needs of your group. This could be a general gardening training for beginners, or something specific. If you would like to talk about organizing a training, get in touch with us.
Green Care ‘Green Care’ describes all activities that use nature and the environment to enhance people’s health and wellbeing. If you are a social prescriber looking for information about Green Care projects, or if you would like to be referred to a Green Care project please email

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