Environmenstrual Ambassadors are trained up with the tools necessary to enable young people and adults to have access to all the information they need to make informed choices about which menstrual products to use. The workshops cover:

  • Menstrual product options – reusable & disposable
  • Menstrual cycle and female anatomy
  • Period poverty and period taboo
  • Environmental and health impacts of products
  • Disposal issues
  • Environmenstrual Week of Action – period activism

Workshops can range from 45 minutes – 1.5 hour depending on the needs of the group.  A good workshop size includes no more than 30 people. Workshops are FREE of charge.

Our team of Environmenstrual Ambassadors work nationwide to bring period education to schools, universities, community groups and workplaces.  If you would like to book a workshop please contact natasha@wen.org.uk with your location and we will put you in contact with your nearest Environmenstrual Ambassador. 


  1. Jo Tasker says:

    Hi I was wondering how I could become an ambassador in my area. I used to be a full time youth worker before the government cut all the funding to youth services we did lots of work around periods with young people especially when schools didn’t have the time. I would be really interested in getting involved with WEN and working alongside schools in my area to raise awareness and support young people who have periods.

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