Register to become a North London Reduce, Reuse your Cycle Ambassador!


    First name* Last name* Email* Please tell us which North London borough you live, work or study in* Please tell us why you would like to become a reusable period product ambassador in your community* Would you like to attend the in person training on the 7th October 2024 9:30-12:30 or online on the 14th October 2024 17:30-19:30* Please let us know if you hold a recent DBS check from the last 12 months** ** Please note volunteers who work with children or vulnerable adults (or in regulated activity) require Enhanced DBS checks. We will require ambassadors to hold a recent Enhanced DBS check or be willing to complete an Enhanced DBS check. This will include a check of the applicant’s criminal history (including both spent and unspent convictions), as well as any relevant information held by the police. In addition, the check will include a check of the applicant’s barred list status, which indicates whether they are barred from working with vulnerable individuals.

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    Information from this form will be processed by Wen and North London Waste Authority (NLWA) according to our privacy policy and the NLWA privacy policy