We’re on the look out for a Manager to lead Wen’s exciting new community space – the Limborough Food Hub that will co-produce a year round programme of activities to enable community-led climate action through creating a better food system.

Based in Mile End, Limborough includes a community garden, greenhouse, Chelsea flower garden, community training kitchen, an established food pantry (offering low cost food to people struggling to afford food) and a workshop space.


{Limborough Community Gardens}


We are looking for someone imaginative, hardworking and passionate about the importance of food (growing it, cooking it, eating it, buying it) for community wellbeing and the climate. You should be highly organised and experienced at working in a community setting. By working collaboratively with local residents, you will ensure that activities at the hub are responsive and relevant to people’s everyday lives. Read the job description and apply here



The Limborough Food Hub forms a vital part of our new five-year climate action project in Tower Hamlets – Just FACT (A Just Food and Climate Transition). Working with local residents and community organisations, this ambitious new project focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of our local food system and designing genuinely community led alternatives.

Here at Wen, we believe that food has a unique power to bring people together across difference to create positive change collectively. It creates a place where we can share knowledge, skills and gain confidence to take high impact action together as a community.


Wen has a participatory organisational model encouraging staff to take on roles within the leadership team and we are seriously committed to talking about power and privilege within the organisation and the work that we do.  We are doing the work to be a leading inclusive, intersectional and feminist organisation working on environmental issues in the UK.

We particularly encourage applications from people of colour, who are currently underrepresented at Wen. Wen’s work, including this role, is open to all genders and aspires to be a trans inclusive organisation. Deadline to apply: 13th December 2021



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